Highly specialized technological line for disposal of hazardous waste. Using rotary kiln technology and the extensive exhaust gas treatment system, ensures effective and environmentally safe disposal of dangerous waste, including medical and veterinary.

Sustainable & safe energy
Sustainable energy contained in waste in form of heat and electricity using low technology failure rate dedicated to work 24/7.
Profitable investment
High profitability of the investment with additional environmental benefits in the form of reduced demand for fossil fuel sources.

Legal security
Fully enviromentally safe solution that meets the most stringent EU emission standards and all requirements of BAT law.

Waste management technology
- Many years’ experience with a number of installatons for waste thermal treatment
- Waste thermal treatment with a rotary kiln
- Automatic loading system using a lift and hydraulic pistons
- Combustion chamber and rotary kiln
- Afterburner – thermoreactor
- Heat recovery system
- Emission control monitoring system
We’re curently implementing two investments related to the construction of new installations for the disposal of medical waste. Both projects are co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The projects involve the construction of installations with the latest technology for thermal neutralization of medical waste along with energy recovery. The company’s motto is: “Safe, clean, healthy.”
Our investments are located in Kędzierzyn – Koźle and Redzikowo.
Waste thermal treatment
- 1Loading system
- 2Rotary kiln
- 3Afterburner
- 4Heat recovery
- 5 Bag filter
- 6Emission control
- 7 Chimney

For the sake of the natural environment and the possibility of being located near cities, our installation meets the most stringent standards for this type of facilities in the world.
3x – Lower dust emission
0g – CO emission
GRAY – Acceptable emission standards for Installation Energy recovery from waste.
RED – Actual emission levels for EMKA Installation.